East Asian Christianity Conference

Comparative Research and Communication on Faith & Value

We conduct and fund comparative research and communication in Religions between East and West in order to promote cross-cultural understanding of faith and belief systems. We are especially interested in research that results in practical methods that can guide believers to take action.


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This research conference is funded by Dao Feng and Angela Foundation to provide guidance for churches in East Asia. A series of publications will be released when the project is completed.

About Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary


Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary combines a rich tradition with cutting-edge educational innovation. Rooted in the gospel and God’s Word, the seminary seeks to develop Christian leaders who are thoughtful, globally aware, spiritually mature and ready for a broad array of ministries.

Under the leadership of famed evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, Dr. Harold John Ockenga and philanthropist J. Howard Pew, who saw the need for a strong, evangelical seminary in the Northeast, Conwell School of Theology (originally a part of Temple University in Philadelphia, PA) merged with Gordon Divinity School (formerly the Boston Missionary Training Institute, then Gordon College of Theology and Mission) in 1969. Their combined vision for the newly-formed Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary was to “establish within a strong evangelical framework, an independent, interdenominational seminary whose constituents are united in the belief that the Bible is the infallible, authoritative Word of God…consecrated to educating men and women in all facets of gospel outreach.”

Remaining faithful to the vision of our founders, Gordon-Conwell continues to train men and women who are passionate about spreading the gospel in today’s culture. To date, Gordon-Conwell is unique with its broad array of students from 85 denominations and 50 different countries.

The Vision

Guiding our future and trajectory, we live into the truth of Revelation 7 in which there are many languages, one Lamb, and no tears..

The Mission

To advance Christ’s Kingdom in every sphere of life by equipping Church leaders to think theologically, engage globally and live biblically.

  1. To encourage students to become knowledgeable of God’s inerrant Word, competent in its interpretation, proclamation and application in the contemporary world.
  2. To maintain academic excellence in the highest tradition of Christian scholarship in the teaching of the biblical, historical and theological disciplines.
  3. To train and encourage students, in cooperation with the Church, to become skilled in ministry.
  4. To work with the churches towards the maturing of students so that their experiential knowledge of God in Christ is evidenced in their character, outlook, conduct, relationships and involvement in society.
  5. To provide leadership and educational resources for shaping an effective evangelical presence in Church and society.
  6. To develop in students a vision for God’s redemptive work throughout the world and to formulate the strategies that will lead to effective missions, evangelism and discipleship.

About East Asian Christianity Conference



Although Christianity originated as an Asian religion–both its founder and earliest development being in West Asia–only in the recent past has Christianity begun to truly find its home in all regions of that continent. Christianity arrived late and with no political support to a continent dominated by the great intercultural religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam) where East Asia specifically is also dominated by Confucian social order. This surrounding cultural environment is unique in global Christian history. Nowhere but in Asia has Christianity developed in interreligious soil where the religions are cross-cultural and supported by rulers. Against this historical backdrop, the last decades of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century mark a break in the long-term struggle that Christianity has had in East Asia.

Purpose and Goals

The Gordon-Conwell East Asian Christianity Conferences will be annual events for scholars and practitioners to join together in order to explore comparative research on Christianity’s development and significance in East Asia for application to church ministry and mission today. Scholars from East and West will interact around important themes to further a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of East Asian Christianity with all its promise and problems, vitality and vicissitudes. Because many of the indigenous religious beliefs and practices which shaped East Asian culture—such as Confucianism, Buddhism, forms of shamanism, etc.—continue to dominate the region in many ways, the conference will aim to speak into the very contemporary challenges of this context.

Delegates and Location

The first year’s conference will be held on Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Hamilton campus. Both speakers and conference attendees will include scholars of East Asian Christianity, Christian leaders, and younger scholars. The level will be well-educated Christians from East Asia and the West alike and the conference is expected to have 150-250 in attendance as registration will be open, with many people recruited to attend (from local churches and schools).


The theme for each conference should be worked out with a planning committee made up of historians and theologians from at least three East Asian countries. The following are suggested themes:

1. Christianity and Asian Societies

2. Historical Development of Christianity in East Asia

3. Inter-Asian Christian development

4. Christianity and neighboring religions

5. Christian vitality and persecution


Speakers will be required to submit their manuscripts two months in advance. The final product will be a five volume set of Christianity in East Asia, and should be made available in English, Chinese and Korean.

The 1st Conference

The 1st East Asian Christianity Conference “Christianity and Asian Societies Today” will be held through April 3, 2025 · 4 p.m. – April 5, 2025 · 2 p.m. EDT in South Hamilton, MA.

In recent decades, Christianity has witnessed meaningful expansion across East Asia, thoughtfully navigating persecution, cultural integration, and interreligious dialogue. The East Asian Christianity Conference aims to harness these experiences, offering a platform for comparative research and practical application in church ministry and mission.

Through this collaborative endeavor, prominent scholars from the East and West, church leaders, and front-line missionaries along with students and faculty from the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI), will engage in critical discussions about Christianity’s place and promise in East Asia. The reimagination of Christian outreach and leadership will be informed by both academic research and practical ministry experiences. The conference will also include times of corporate worship and prayer.

The Gordon-Conwell East Asian Christianity Conference is sponsored by the Dao Feng & Angela Foundation and is pleased to partner with BTI, IMEC, and the Orlando Costas Consultation.

The registration fee is $150 per person and includes three conference days and six meals. See the link below for more information:


About the Grant


On Feb.29, 2024, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary held a gift agreement signing ceremony on its Campus. Mr. Dao Feng He, the President of Dao Feng & Angela Foundation, and Prof. Scott Sunquist, the President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, co-signed the Gift Agreement under the shared mission of both of the two parties.

Dao Feng & Angela Foundation will make a $50,000 US Dollars grant in 2024-2025 to the Seminary to fund the 1st Gordon-Conwell East Asian Christianity Conference.

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